Android desde cero

Anímate a realizar con el Android Studio tu primera aplicaión móvil

Abre el eclipse y escribe el mas simple "Hola Mundo!"con Spring MVC

Sigue 8 simples pasos para obtener al proyecto mas simple de Spring MVC con Eclipse y Maven.

Como subr una app al Google Play

Te mostramos en tres post, como subir una app en Android al Google Play

domingo, 10 de julio de 2016

CodeLabs de Google y Pruebas sobre proyectos de GitHub

Desde hace poco menos de un mes, estoy llevando una bitacora de las pruebas que realizo sobre algunos proyectos de GitHub que me interesa probar.

Se puede acceder a esa bitácora a una GitHub Page asociada a mi perfil de GitHub:

Además de proyectos de GitHub, hay registrados algunas experiencias con los CodeLabs de Google.

Los proyectos que estoy probando, y que están en la bitácora, giran alrededor de alguna de las siguientes temáticas:
  • Programación en Android o iOS
  • Proyectos vinculados al Ajedrez, como uso del motor Stockfish
  • Proyectos para aprender sobre las tecnologías Android, ejemplo:
    • Android Pay 
    • VR: Realidad Virtual
    • Tecnologia NDK y JNI dentro de Android
Y lo que vaya surgiendo y pueda resultar novedoso o interesante.

A su vez, la página fue armada con Jekyll, una plataforma muy cómoda para escribir blogs

domingo, 3 de julio de 2016

How to Develop on Samsung Smart TV with Tizen (Part III)

In our previous post, we reach the goal to run a demo app over a Samsung Smart TV Simulator. 

To reach that objetive, we had to read a little about Tizen, the Samsung development plataform, and Install last versión of Tizen SDK, and do some adicional update to get the right emulator versions.

After that, our demo app was on the simulator... but, How we could make the next step? The app in a real Samsung Smart TV

In this post, we will describe the steps that we had to make to install the app in the Samsung Device

Let´s Start

This is how we run our app over the Samsung Simulator, according our previous post:

The selected demo App is TVSlideShowDemo is from the gitHub repo

And here we go:

Step #01: Switch Samsung Smart TV to Developer Mode

The way to switch to developer mode would be different depending of the Samsung Smart TV model, but, in my case I am doing the tests over a Samsung JU6500 with Tizen Operating System, and firmware version 1460, and software version HKMUABC-1460

So, to switch to developer mode:

1) Make sure that the Notebook and Smart TV are on the same local network
2) Turn on TV ==> Go to Apps ==> Pressed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
3) Turn ON developer mode. Entered the PC's IP address. Pressed OK 
4) Then, I reboot TV

I typed the private IP from the PC where I have the Tizen SDK, and after the reboot of TV we have the config how we need:

Our config

  • TV IP private:  
  • Macbook IP private:

Step #02: Connect Tizen SDK to Samsung Smart TV

Let see how we can connect the Tizen SDK to the Phisical Samsung Device:
And now, we are ready to Launch the app

And, the first time that we run the app, we should configure the security profile:

 The Preferences Dialog, after "add" a new profile named "pablo"
 And the Keystore and certificate generator:
 The place where the keystore will be generated

And now, we are ready to Launch the app to run on the phisical device:

A little warning message:

And the app TVSlideShowDemo is installed on the Samsung Smart TV:

And we can see the TVSlideShowDemo in action on the TV:

next slide ...

next slide ...

next slide ...

And we have finished our new goal to deploy an App over a Samsung Smart TV with Tizen operating system.

This is the last post of the serie "How to Develop on Samsung Smart TV with Tizen", if you like it, you can share it

Next Steps

We realize that is pretty simple develop over web Tizen plataform, because this is basically html, javascript and jquety. We should have at out fingerprints a pair of good links with the API definition and the list with the available widget that we have to our provision.

Fortunately, we can find its in:


sábado, 2 de julio de 2016

How to Develop on Samsung Smart TV with Tizen (Part II)

In our previous post we fail in the objetive to run an example about make an app with Tizen for Samsung Smart TV

Let´s tray again, but, a this time we are going to use the following GitHub repository

Let´s Start

We are going to clone the GitHub repo:

  • $ git clone

And our working dir is:

  • /Users/pabloin/Desktop/NoCuestaNada/Mob/GitHub-tmp/samsung-tizen/TizenTVApps

We need the Tizen TV Web SDK 1.5 (available here: ), but we have already installed it when wrote our previous post:

And we have to do some updates to have the TV emulators:

So, we only have to

  • Launch the Tizen IDE and import each app's folder into your workspace
  • After important, right-click on the app's folder and choose Run As > Tizen TV Web Simulator Application (Samsung TV)
Let´s start with TVDemoSlideShow:

Step #01: Import -> Tizen -> Web Project and Web Application File

Step #02: Select TVDemoSlideShow

 Step #03: Run As -> Tizen Web Simulator Application (Samsung TV)

We can see the app TVDemoSlideShow running in the simulator

We have reach the goal to compile, run, and use an app on as Samsung Smart TV Tizan Simulator

Our next goal is run the same app on a real Samsung Smart TV


Links Related

Tizen documentation at Stackoverflow
Tizen documentation post:
Interesting framework to game development

viernes, 1 de julio de 2016

How to Develop on Samsung Smart TV with Tizen (Part I)

Tizen is an OS based on linux and used on Samsung Smart TV devices. It is the Samsung Way to compite with Android TV.

Let see how difficult is to develop an app on Tizen for a Samsung Smart TV.  

Let´s Start

Our target plataform is a Macbook Pro with OSX and a Samsung Smart TV 

Step #01: Install SDK

First, we are going to download Tizen SDK from official page:

There is Another links to downloads, but I guess that is older (2014): It is almost a raw eclipse, so I am going to discard this version from:


We can see that the Tizen SDK is based on ecliplse

Step #02: First Tizen Project - Docs

With Tizen SDK installed, we are going to pick a basic project from the official Tizen Developer Site:

We could be interested in
But, that demos aren´t for Smart TV apps, but also por mobile devices... So, I have to find another link with a good tutorial for Samsung Smart TV

The start point that we have been looking for is:
And the Sample App is:
Our first observation, is that it talks about Web TV development, so It is not about Native Development. We can read:

"This section help developers in learning Tizen TV Web App development using Tizen TV APIs.."

So, let´s continue with TV Web Development, following the guide

Our second observation, is that we need a developer account in Samsung to publish apps after we finish that. The registration Samsung page is

Our third observation, is that the documentation always take away to the GitHub page, so let´s continue there:

Step #02: First Tizen Project App : SmartViewSDKQuizApp

We have a lot of projects in GitHub, but we are going to follow 
We clone it in our local pc:


And we are going to compile QuizApp_TV inside Tizen SDK. Again we can follow the Readme in GitHub

It say:

"We are going to create a new Tizen Web Project by selecting File->New->TIzen Web Project.
And select Templates for TV-1.0 ,select Tizen Web UI Framework Template for Master Detail Application /Multi Page Application/Navigation Application / Single Page Application based upon your requirement and give a name to the project."

But Template for TV-1.0 is not anymore... And also there is not any template for Samsung TV, only for Mobile and Wereables

But, I have already download the the project, so I am going to import it to the "Tizen-eclipse SDK"

  • File -> Import -> Existent Project
And I get the following error:

Description Resource Path Location Type
Cannot support tv-1.0. You can migrate the project with Import > Tizen > Tizen Project menu

Step #03: Tizen Emulator Update

The solution to the previous error is update the SDK to get new emulators:

And now, we can see that the project is ready to run, because it has 0 errors:

 To run the project:

And when the web simulator is call, the browser chrome is open:

And we can see the Quiz App running in the web simulator, the Chrome browser:

So, we have reach our goal to run a demo app with Tizen, the plataform to build apps for Samsung Android TV. And we can get some experience with the IDE and the emulators.

Misc: How to enable developer mode on Tizen

1) Make sure my PC and TV are on the same local network
2) Turn on TV ==> Go to Apps ==> Pressed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3) Turn ON developer mode. Entered the PC's IP address. Pressed OK

4) Then, I rebooted my TV.


miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

How to build our first Tizen app with Tizen SDK and Share it on GitHub

Lets see how we can built our first Tizen app with Tizen SDK and Share it on GitHub using Tizen SDK

Let´s Start

We open Tizen SDK:

 Let´s choose a template to apps for TV
 jQuery version
 And Theme version: We choose for our app a Black Theme
 And we have the app ready

We can watch the app, and we can manage it with the remote control:
 Another section on the app:

Sharing on GitHub:

Now, we are going to show the steps to share in GitHub

Create a new repo
 The git repo is outside our workspace
 The Git repo
 And our first commit and push
 At this point we should config the remote repository:
And we get one error because the remote repo don´t exist on GitHub yet:  
So, we switch to GitHub to build the repo:
 And we have the Tizen repo created:
A very important step: This is our first commit to a new repo, so, 
We should mark force update

 An at last! Our Tizen repo is on GitHub
 Our files:
So, it is all

If you like it... don´t be afraid to share it